Getting That Roro Through SV: Worth it?

So Santa Villa is here, and if you read my rant last week, then you would know that many, including myself, isn’t all too happy with the rewards. The Hwarang stays, but fuck him. What about if you want to get a Roro through this event?

Roro’s reward price is 900 Completed Words. Let’s throw out some assumptions before we start this:

  • You are around the level of Yvitini and/or MajorasWrath. You can only do the level 120 TBS between 120-139. Not sure (but kinda see) why they locked out the lower level ones to those higher than the required level, but whatever.
  • Let’s also assume that you only 60 points to spare. You would probably have more if you do quests, but for the sake of argument, and since the minimum is 60, let’s stick with that, shall we?
  • You only do the TBS missions. It’s the only time efficient way to get these words without buying them right out.
  • You only have one character to do the missions on.
  • You don’t buy any words.

The TBS missions are 3 points per run, and you get 8 words per run. Success rate will always be 100% unless you absolutely suck at the game, in which case I’d just forget about Roro.

Let’s do some math here.

60 points ÷ 3 = 20 runs of TBS. It doesn’t matter which one you do, all the 120’s are 3 points.

20 runs x 8 words = 160 words a week.

*Keep in mind that words collected by other means have not been accounted for.

This event runs till the 9th of January. That’s 3 weeks to collect 160 words assuming you only do the tbs.

160 words x 3 weeks = 480 words.

Let’s keep in mind that if you only have 60 dungeon points, and you deplete them all doing these missions, you have no room for doing any other mission, including raids. In other words, you will be broke unless you sold those 160 words. Which you won’t, because you want them for Roro.

By the way, if you did decide to give up and sell your words, the current market price is MAX 10 mil each.

10 million x 160 words = 1.6 billion.

1.6 billion x 3 weeks = 4.8 billion.

So for the duration of this event, if you went ahead and depleted all your points each week, got 480 words, then sold all the words at 10 million each, you’re making 4.8 billion a month. That’s not chump change by any means…


I’m going to use MajorasWrath as an example, since she can do missions at her level as opposed to Yvi who is stuck in 115 Alishan loop:

Majora usually has ~80 points before I do her missions on Tuesdays. She can do 2 120 Alishans (35 points) and 3 115 Alishans (45 points), or 3 120’s and 2 115’s.

Let’s say I do 2 120 Alishans and 3 115’s.

Alishan 120 gives 9 boxes with gold coins. 9 x 2= 18 boxes. Assuming I get nothing but 10 gold coins (almost never happens), that’s 180 gold coins sold at 3.5 mil (minimum).

180 x 3.5 mil = 630 mil.

115 gives 6 boxes each with gold cons. 6 x 3=18 boxes. Once again, if I get nothing but gold coins, that’s another 630 mil.

That is 1.26 billion. Give or take some, depending on luck. You can literally only get 60 gold coins out of 32 boxes on a bad day. I’ve seen it happen.

Alishan boxes, for some reason, sells somewhere between 25 to 30 mil. So if you’re tired of gambling, you can sell them.

32 x 30 mil (max amount that anyone’s willing to pay for them apparently) = 960 mil.

You’re losing money just selling right out. For a level 123, it’s actually better to deplete her points in getting words, but for those who can do missions that bank more than 1.6 billion a week (on a good day), it’s not worth it. Granted, for those who can do that are much higher than level 120-139.

So what have we learned here? We’ve learned that I am shit at math and my brain is completely fried. We also learned that unless you’re willing to grind out the rest of your words by the 9th, or over level 140 and making serious bank, you are not getting that Roro.

For the record, if I did this method on both Majora and Yvi, I would just enough to get one of them a Roro before the event’s over. But fuck that shit.

WTF Wednesdays: Santa Villa


This will be a new thing for SaaG, just so I can have something to bitch about at least once a week so that y’all don’t think this site is dead. I’m still playing, mostly on MajorasWrath. I’m at a crossroads here, but that’s for another post. This is about Santa Villa. Now this is normally a joyous time of year for Atlantica, and I personally have looked forward to it every year since I knew it existed. This would be my fourth Santa Villa. So why would Santa Villa be the first installment of WTF Wednesdays?

Well, I’ll just put this here so you can see.

Santa Villa

Now normally, I don’t complain about an event before it actually comes on, but the rewards…really? Seriously?


Roro? Good. Valk? Okay, despite that she’s been around for a while. Hwarang? Punisher? Minstrel? WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?

Hwarang is the cheapest one out of the bunch, and arguably the most useful out of the three C grades, even though he’s only good for heavy ranged formations, and completely useless for Bow Mains speccing Hwarang’s Aura. Minstrel has Salvation, which makes her completely useless for a post-120 Instrument Main, and the skill itself has limited uses because it takes away not only debuffs but buffs as well (not to mention that random-ass heal). Punisher? Horrible tank and has awakening, but so does Roro. I dunno, I’d choose a Roro over something that will drop in two magic shots.

Let’s talk about the exchange rate. 900 for a Roro. Let’s hope that the words are easy to get. As in, the drop rate on those motherfuckers BETTER be good, especially since you only have an hour to spend in there a day.

Me? I’m hoping that the experience in there is decent. I don’t see myself getting a Roro or a Valk (for Majora, Yvi already has a Valk) in the 3 weeks unless I fork over A LOT of gold for the words. Is there any silver lining though?



We got Grinched.

Although, I will say that I do love that Scrooge will be back. I loved him 2 years ago since I couldn’t step foot in SV that year due to the skirmish area being completely bugged out the ass.

Oh yeah, SV is a mix of skirmish and classic fights, which is good. I don’t mind skirmish, but I do prefer classic fights, so I would more than likely be playing classic most the time.

But yeah, it’s a wait and see at this point.