Rant Time.

Okay, so I’m sorry if I offend anyone with this post, but it has to be said, and since some of the Atlantica playerbase can’t even get the concept of written sarcasm, I’ll post it here. All bets are off since this is my grounds to talk. So if you are offended, go get laid; it’s New Years Eve after all!

So…AO Day. Nexon was nice to make it 2 days this week instead of just the normal 1st Saturday of the month. One of those days was today. That’s cool.

If it went on when it was supposed to.

Shit happens. With Nexon, shit always happen. And yes, don’t get me wrong, waking up in hopes that AO day would be on, so that I can use my concentration licenses only to find out that there was a hiccup is a huge disappointment. But waking up and following the AO day thread on Atlantica forums makes no damn sense to me.

Okay, I get it, once again, it’s disappointing for the perks to not kick in on time. But you are arguing to sleeping GM’s! It is currently 8:30am on the west coast. More than likely, they’re still asleep, or just waking up. In case you have forgotten, GM’s are not robots.

Before anyone says “OH YOU HAVE NO IDEA”, well, I can safely say that as a former GM for another game, whose playerbase is just as demanding as Atlantica’s, GM’s do have their own lives to tend to. Sleep is essential to the human body. Eating, drinking, taking a mean shit, having sex…all of that is essential in one way or another. So instead of making an 8-page thread about how Nexon sucks, shit happens. And instead of bitching about it, here’s some other things you can do to pass the time.

  • Read a book. It’s a lost art in many people, but sometimes a good book passes the time.
  • Play another game. One of the presents I (technically, my fiance, but we share it) got for Christmas was the new Zelda game for the 3DS. Awesome game by the way. But I’ve been playing that on my downtime from Atlantica. Or Sims 3 since my Simming computer is fixed.
  • Clean. When was the last time you’ve cleaned your gaming desk off? If you can’t remember, it’s high time.
  • Take a shower/bath. I know that many people do this already, and I thank you for this; gamers already get a bad rep for being dirty neckbeards living in Mom’s basement. If you can’t remember the last time you showered, then do it. The people around you would thank you.
  • Go outside. I’ll admit that this one is impractical for those who live in colder areas. For those, I suggest the first 4 points. But it’s summer in the southern hemisphere. Get out and into the sun.
  • Jerk off/get laid. If all else fails, grab your girlfriend/blow up doll and jizz in em. It relieves stress and you’ll forget that AO day existed.

Nexon fixes it in some way. There may be an extended AO day, things may get compensated, something is gonna get done. But re-the-fuck-lax.

And I’m done.

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