
I may be considered a traitor, but maybe not if it’s understood as to why I reneged on my decision to not vial Yvi.

After being stuck in the 115 Alishan loop, I was getting discouraged.  As you guys may know, I love this game, as frustrating as Nexon makes it for everyone.  But making money when the best you can do is Alishan 115 (6 Alishan Treasures, roughly 9 mil apiece) 3-4 times, assuming you don’t play the market) becomes a chore.  115 on Majora, who can do 120 Alishan (12 boxes, 25-30 mil apiece) with ease, is okay since she’s 125.  On a level 132, not so much.

I went into hibernation, then came back and realized why I went into hibernation in the first place.  Before I went in hiding again, I decided to weigh my options.  I couldn’t get better gear when my income was less than 1 bil a week.  AO day was coming up, so I tried leveling Yvi some.  I aimed for 135, but hit 137 and thought about pushing for 138, but at that point it was 10pm and I was tired.  I was like “okay, I’m 137, and I SHOULD be able to break the loop now”.  But what if I didn’t?  And even if I did, income comes from raids these days rather than just the tbs missions.  Ranged mains need gear for solo raids, and since I don’t have a duo partner, it’d be solo play for me.  Which is okay, but without the proper gear, I’d be up a creek.  And a +10 instrument is not exactly cheap.

So I looked in my inventory, and saw that I had a class change coupon. Before I made any rash decisions, I went to the Nexon forums to explain my dilemma.  I asked about gear, merc switches if needed, and even about Africa TBS missions.  I wanted to cover as much ground as possible.  After I gathered enough information from the forums, and my personal observations, I decided to temporary hang my guitar.

And take up frying things with electricity instead.

So why battlemage? I don’t care for “flavors of the month”, but for the sake of fattening my wallet, and furthering my enjoyment of the game, I’ll take it.  Staff users don’t require nearly as much gear as a melee or ranged main, and Electron Field is fucking nasty in comparison to Flame Blow.  Remember Peaki? That was my first battlemage when they first came out.  They don’t shine in regular battle.  But in TBS…Electron Field is nasty.  First and foremost, it lasts like 3 turns.  Anything that touches it gets affected and a huge chunk of their HP goes bye-bye.  The only issue I had with EF not working as intended is in Africa TBS, where those snakes got more mdef than they should ever have.  But I did Act of War solo in my first run through with 9 minutes to spare.  I personally won’t do it without double feasts.

I cackle maniacally as I fry them slowly.  Fried snake anyone? Heard it’s a delicacy in some places.

Anyway, so how long is this temporary change? No later than level 150.-155.  By then, I should have enough coin from TBS and other money making ways to switch back comfortably, and have the gear to comfortably solo missions as in instrument main. How long will this take? Given my track record, I probably won’t hit 150 for at least another year.  But I’m enjoying this little change for now.

Speaking of other changes, as you may or may not know, SaaG is not the only blog I own.  I own a personal blog where I put all my ramblings about being a mother and job searching, and in some cases, gaming.  I’ve decided that my gaming rambles don’t really go with the rest of my site’s theme, so I’ve decided to consolidate.  SaaG is one of those sites that will be part of this consolidation, and to some degree, my Simblr.  So there’s a domain that will be for my gaming and geekery ramblings.  I’m just waiting for my tablet to come so I can work on the design further, but once that’s done I will move things over there.  This site will still be up, but future updates, videos and the like will be over there.

I thank you for reading, if anyone does read this.